A distributed proximal splitting method with linsearch for locally Lipschitz data
with F. Atenas and M. N. Dao.
arXiv:2410.15583, 2024.[arXiv]
Identification of active subfunctions in finite-max minimisation via a smooth reformulation
with C. J. Ras and D. J. Uteda.
arXiv:2404.10326, 2024.[arXiv]
Linear convergence of resolvent splitting with minimal lifting and its application to a primal-dual algorithm
with F. A. Simi.
arXiv:2412.12607, 2024.[arXiv]
A First-order algorithm for decentralised min-max problems
with Y. Malitsky.
arXiv:2308.11876, 2023.[arXiv]
Journal Publications
Single-projection procedure for infinite dimensional convex optimization problems
with H. T. Bui, R. S. Burachik and E. A. Nurminski.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34(2):1646-1678, 2024.[Link] [arXiv]
Non-separable multidimensional multiresolution wavelets: A Douglas—Rachford approach
with D. Franklin and J. A. Hogan.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 73:101684, 2024.[Link] [arXiv]
Method of alternating projection for the absolute value equation
with J. H. Alcantara and J.-S. Chen.
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 25(39), 2023.[Link] [arXiv]
Distributed forward-backward methods for ring networks
with F. J. Aragón-Artacho, Y. Malitsky and D. Torregrosa-Belén.
Computational Optimization and Applications, 86:845-870, 2023.[Link] [arXiv]
Resolvent splitting for sums of monotone operators with minimal lifting
with Y. Malitsky.
Mathematical Programming, 201:231-262, 2023.[Link] [arXiv]
Frugal and decentralised resolvent splittings defined by nonexpansive operators.
Optimization Letters, 2023.[Link] [arXiv]
Bregman Golden ratio algorithms for variational inequalities
with D. J. Uteda.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 199:993-1021, 2023.[Link] [arXiv]
Strengthened splitting methods for computing resolvents
with F. J. Aragón Artacho and R. Campoy.
Computational Optimization and Applications, 80(2):549-585, 2021.[Link] [arXiv]
Convergence rates for boundedly regular systems
with E. R. Csetnek and A. Eberhard.
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 47, 2021.[Link] [arXiv]
Constraint reduction reformulations for projection algorithms with applications to wavelet construction
with M. N. Dao, N. Dizon and J. A. Hogan.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 190:201-232, 2021.[Link] [arXiv]
Gearhart—Koshy acceleration for affine subspaces.
Operations Research Letters, 49(2):157-163, 2021.[Link] [arXiv]
The Douglas-Rachford algorithm for convex and nonconvex feasibility problems
with F. J. Aragón Artacho and R. Campoy.
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 91:201-240, 2020.[Link] [arXiv]
A forward-backward splitting method for monotone inclusions without cocoercivity
with Y. Malitsky.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(2):1451-1472, 2020.[Link] [arXiv]
Backward-forward-reflected-backward splitting for three operator monotone inclusions
with J. Rieger.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 381:125248, 2020.[Link] [arXiv]
Shadow Douglas—Rachford splitting for monotone inclusions
with E. R. Csetnek and Y. Malitsky.
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 80:665-678, 2019.[Link] [arXiv]
A Lyapunov-type approach to convergence of the Douglas—Rachford algorithm
with M. N. Dao.
Journal of Global Optimization, 73(1):83-112, 2019.[Link] [arXiv]
Union averaged operators with applications to proximal algorithms for min-convex functions
with M. N. Dao.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 181(1):61-94, 2019.[Link] [arXiv]
A feasibility approach for constructing combinatorial designs of circulant type
with F. J. Aragón Artacho, R. Campoy and I. Kotsireas.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35(4):1061-1085, 2018.[Link] [arXiv]
Symbolic computation with monotone operators
with F. Lauster and D. R. Luke.
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 26:353-368, 2018.[Link] [arXiv]
Implicit error bounds for Picard iterations on Hilbert spaces
with D. R. Luke and H. T. Nguyen.
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 46(2):243-258, 2018.[Link]
Quantitative convergence analysis of iterated expansive, set-valued mappings
with D. R. Luke and H. T. Nguyen.
Mathematics of Operations Research, 43(4):1051-1404, 2018.[Link] [arXiv]
Algorithms based on unions of nonexpansive maps.
Optimization Letters, 12(5):1017-1027, 2018.[Link] [arXiv]
Convergence rate analysis for averaged fixed point iterations in common fixed point problems
with J. M. Borwein and G. Li.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27(1):1-33, 2017.[Link] [arXiv]
Regularity properties of non-negative sparsity sets.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 447(2):758-777, 2017.[Link] [arXiv]
Global behavior of the Douglas—Rachford method for a nonconvex feasibility problem
with F. J. Aragón Artacho and J. M. Borwein.
Journal of Global Optimization, 65:1-19, 2015.[Link] [arXiv]
Norm convergence of realistic projection and reflection methods
with J. M. Borwein and B. Sims.
Optimization, 64(1):161-178, 2015.[Link] [arXiv]
The cyclic Douglas—Rachford method for inconsistent feasibility problems
with J. M. Borwein.
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 16(4):573-584, 2015.[arXiv]
Proximal heterogeneous block implicit-explicit method and application to blind ptychographic diffraction imaging
with R. Hesse, D. R. Luke and S. Sabach.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 8(1):426-457, 2015.[Link] [arXiv]
Recent Results on Douglas—Rachford methods for combinatorial optimization problems
with F. J. Aragón Artacho and J. M. Borwein.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 163:1-30, 2014.[Link] [arXiv]
Douglas—Rachford feasibility methods for matrix completion problems
with F. J. Aragón Artacho and J. M. Borwein.
The ANZIAM Journal, 55(4):299-326, 2014.[Link] [arXiv]
A cyclic Douglas—Rachford iteration scheme
with J. M. Borwein.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 160(1):1-29, 2014.[Link] [arXiv]
Recent Results on Douglas—Rachford methods
with F. J. Aragón Artacho and J. M. Borwein.
Serdica Mathematical Journal, 39:313-330, 2013.[Link]
Double layer structure of ionic liquids at the Au (111) electrode interface: an atomic force microscopy investigation
with R. Hayes, N. Borisenko, P. C. Howlett, F. Endres and R. Atkin.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(14):6855-6863, 2011.[Link]
Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters
The proximal point algorithm without monotonicity
with D. R. Luke.
In Proceedings of the 35th RAMP Mathematical Optimization Symposium, pages 39-48, Research Association of Mathematical Programming, 2023.[Link]
Concrush: Understanding fugitive dust production and potential emission at a recycled concrete manufacturing facility
with B. Florio, F. Georgiou, O. D. Y. Huet, M. E. Roberts and D. Triadis.
In Proceedings of the 2020 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry Study Group, MISG-2020, pages M1-M41, 2022.[Link]
Characterizations of super-regularity and its variants
with A. Daniilidis and D. R. Luke.
In Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory and Applications, pages 137-152, Springer, 2019.[Link] [arXiv]
Higher-dimensional wavelets and the Douglas—Rachford algorithm
with D. Franklin and J. A. Hogan.
In 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), 2019.[Link]
Reflection methods for inverse problems with application to protein conformation determination
with J. M. Borwein.
In Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems, Bilevel Programming and MPEC, pages 83-100, Springer Singapore, 2018.[Link] [arXiv]
Relaxed cyclic Douglas-Rachford algorithms for nonconvex optimization
with D. R. Luke and A.-L. Martins.
In ICML 2018: Workshop: Modern Trends in Nonconvex Optimization for Machine Learning, 2018.[Link]
Improved stockyard management strategies for coal export terminals at Newcastle
with N. Boland, D. Gulczynski, M. P. Jackson, M. W. P. Savelsbergh and M. K. Tam.
In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pages 718-724, 2011.[Link]
Selected Talks
- Resolvent splitting with minimal lifting,
One World Optimization Seminar, November 2021.[Video]
- How to Train a GAN,
University Maths Olympics, October 2021.[Video]
- Gearhart-Koshy acceleration for affine subspaces,
WoMBaT (online edition), December 2020.[Video]
- Splitting algorithms with forward steps,
ICCOPT Berlin, August 2019.[PDF]
- Algorithms based on unions of nonexpansive maps,
ISMP Boreduax, July 2018.[PDF]
- Symbolic convex analysis,
CARMA Seminar at U. Newcastle, May 2017.[PDF]
- Algorithms for blind ptychographic imaging,
CARMA Workshop on Mathematics and Computation at U. Newcastle, June 2015.[PDF]
- Theory and application of convex and non-convex feasibility problems Lecture Series (on behalf of J. Borwein), Spring School on Variational Analysis in Paseky nad Jizerou, Czech Republic, April 2015.[PDF] [URL]
- Reflection methods for Euclidean distance matrix reconstruction, Australian - New Zealand Mathematics Convention, Dec 2014.[PDF] [Video]
- Visualizing projection algorithms,
ICERM Challenges in 21st Century Experimental Mathematical Computation Workshop, July 2014.[PDF] [Video]
- Cyclic Douglas-Rachford iterations,
AustMS Annual Meeting, Sept-Oct 2013.[PDF]
- Douglas-Rachford for combinatorial optimisation,
AMSSC, July 2013.[PDF]